Mojisola Oyebokun

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Mojisola Oyebokun

Mojisola Oyebokun, born on August 8, 1996, epitomized unwavering faith and a passion for God. Her commitment to the girl-child cause and dedication to entrepreneurial excellence, especially in the gift curation industry with her business Hampers by MJ, set her apart.
A true friend to all, Mojisola’s warmth and friendly demeanor touched everyone around her. Her devotion to God’s work resonated in every aspect of her life, making her not just an entrepreneur but a beacon of faith. Mojisola transited to glory on February 17, 2024, after a brief illness.

She leaves behind a legacy of kindness, entrepreneurial brilliance, and a deep commitment to making a difference. Survived by her parents, siblings, uncles, aunts, nieces, nephews, and cousins, Mojisola’s impact lives on in the hearts of everyone who knew her.

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Mojisola Oyebokun, born August 8, 1996, was a person of unwavering faith and passion for the spiritual life. Her life journey inspires many with her commitment to following God's calling and sharing love and kindness with those around her. Every moment of her life was filled with devotion to her faith, and her story serves as an example for those seeking meaning and direction in their lives. Through her memoir, Mozhisola reminds us of the importance of a spiritual journey and personal mission. When it comes to entertainment, there are various ways to spend your time in a fun and interesting way. In Austria, many people choose online casinos that offer fast and reliable payouts. But how to find a reliable platform? There is such a resource as Also, experts have compiled a list of top online casinos. Combining the spiritual and entertainment aspects of life helps to maintain balance and find joy in both daily activities and personal hobbies.
  • Comment (40)
  • It feels like my heart is about to burst!

    My friend, I have no doubt that you are with Jesus.

    You live forever in my heart and your memory is ever blessed.????

  • MJ is one of the most creative people I have ever met. Her brilliance not only shone in her work but also reflected her deep connection with God, and she shared that part with everyone she came in contact with. MJ, you will be greatly missed, but we find comfort in the belief that you now rest in God’s splendor and majesty. Rest peacefully, Soldier; we love you.

  • Oh you lived! You served! You lived your life for Christ and served him wholeheartedly. You would forever be remembered for your big smiles and sweet heart. We take solace in the life of God that you lived. Rest in peace Mojisola, rest in peace!

  • It’s such a painful loss to have to give up on you, Moji especially judging from the many testimonies of the relationship you had with the people you encountered. God knows! Rest on in the Lord dear sister. It is well.

  • MJ well thank you for the expression of love during the short time, you were the very first to welcome me at Enterprise Africa you introduced yourself and welcome me to the house you were always shouting out Oremi, this year you said let’s do more together this is February God loves you best MJ, an Entrepreneur per excellence always on the positive side thriving MJ keep resting I love you . Your legacy lives on.

  • Mojisola you lived a wonderful life and I am rest assured that you’re not just away from this planet earth but you’ve gone to live the momentous life with the saints and with will be greatly missed. your contagious smile and big heart, your brilliancy and sense of humor,your zeal towards God’s work and your love to humanity,sincerely we lost a rare gem ,Mojisola till we meet to part no more,,,keep resting MJ

  • Hi beautiful soul,
    Thank you for being such a bright light during your time with us.
    I Love you dearly and will miss you????

  • Gone but not forgotten. Your beautiful memory lives on. Yours was an exemplary life and an encouragement to many. Our sovereign God knows best.

  • Dear MJ, I am grateful for the gift of you while you are here with us, it sadden my heart that you are no more. Till we meet to part no more. Rest in Peace

  • MJ. You were an easy going and friendly soul. Your smile,maturity and joviality was second to none. Keep resting in the bosom of our lord,You will be greatly missed.

  • MJ was cool on this side of the shore. We were not super close in school, but she always had a smile and a greeting for me. I remember when i remember when i needed a place to stay for a while, I reached out to her and without fear or second thoughts, she opened her house to me…(I mean, who does that for an acquintance).
    It was MJ that invited to minister to her unit members in NIFES. She said, the Lord laid you in my heart for our retreat, I don’t know what you are going to teach, but I am very sure its you the Lord wants to come.,,
    MJ loved the body. All you had to be is a believer and you have a space in her heart.
    With this two encounters, i can boldly say she did good to all men, especially those that belonged to the household of faith.
    MJ, i was hurt by your death, i was scared too- I was angry. I could not even say your memory was blessed, because how could i think of you as a memory, I had just two that stood out.
    I grieved, and even mourned for you as though without hope.
    I had questions…It just didn’t make sense!…Until! The Lord helped my heart.
    MJ, if there is a department in heaven that lets you read this, know that i found comfort, and that i am still hurt, but not so angry. I am mourning, but i am hopeful now.
    I can now say “even so, God is faithful.!”
    Dear MJ, rest.
    You lived well…Now live well.

  • MJ it hurts sooooo much. All I can say is rest you’ll rise again (John 5: 28-29, Acts 24:15) to never see the last enemy death again ( Isaiah 25;8, 1 Corinthians 15:26)

    I love you till we met to part no more…rest my dear friend.

  • Your death has made me numb for days, every one of my interactions with you leaves me with a lesson.
    You lived a selfless and full life, without offense. You have run your race and have finished your course.
    Rest on Mojisinuoluwa

  • I’m yet to come to terms with your death. I keep hoping it’s all a dream, and I need to wake up from it.

    Aburo mi, Oremi…Moji your heart was pure and genuine towards everyone. I’m rest assured you are with our Father and cheering us on. You really fought a good fight of faith, and you left indelible marks in our hearts. Your brilliance and sweet nature was excellent. Thank you for the love you showed in words and in deeds to us all.
    You truly reflected the ways of the Father through your words and gift trademark.
    We will meet again, Mojisinuoluwami.
    Keep resting in the arms of our Lord.
    I love you till eternity.

  • Oremi MJ,

    Everything still feels like a dream to me, but one thing that makes me happy is knowing you are with our Father and resting well, free from the troubles of this world.

    My dear MJ, I remember how our journey began in our 200-level in the Philosophy department, how you intervened when they wanted to harm me. Since then, reading has become my pleasure.

    Remember how we used to go to prayer meetings, even though I didn’t know what or how to pray? You baptized me in the Holy Ghost. We started praying in the Holy Ghost together, and then we began studying the scriptures and fighting for what we believed in, though it wasn’t easy.

    What about sharing our experiences about our past, families, and friends? Remember our nights spent in the library until daybreak? They even recognized us at AAUA library that year.

    How about sharing our plans when we didn’t know what the future held for us? I can’t forget the Festival of Life either.

    But what I can’t forget most is your love for God. It always blew my mind how we planned together to stay at Reven Kay’s house in Gbagada, even though it didn’t work out. I later returned to Ondo town and worshipped at my local church (Rev. Busuyi Olalode).

    Remember you used to follow up with me, encouraging me not to be a forgetful hearer but to continue pursuing God and always give my best to Him?

    You were the first person to always call me on my birthday. In one of your messages to me, you said you loved my sincerity whenever I spoke because I always poured my heart out to you.

    My beloved, there’s so much to say about you. What about my wedding plans? You promised during my undergraduate days that you would make it happen for me, and you fulfilled it.

    We slept and prayed together that day. Even after my wedding, you kept checking on me, encouraging me, and praying for me.

    Remember when I was pregnant? You still checked on me even after I gave birth.

    Even when I left Nigeria and moved to other country, you still checked on me.

    It’s well, my dear sister and friend. Until the resurrection morning, I will continue to learn about God and improve my relationship with Him.

    MJ, I know you are in the best place where there is no mourning, no competition, no rivalry.

    1 Corinthians 15:55 says, ‘O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?

    1 Corinthians 15:56 continues, The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.’ Verse 57 goes on to say, But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

    And finally, 1 Corinthians 15:58 encourages us, Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, for as much as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.

  • Meeting you was destiny, We met at missenterpriseafrica, you were my buddy,roommate and HOH. You were an amazing, beautiful,loving,prayerful and caring soul. We would gist,share life experiences,laugh before bed. You even made me promise I would invite you to my wedding???????? When you were asked to mimick someone in the house,I was the one you mimicked ????. The little time I spent with you was as if I had known you for years.
    Keep resting in the bossom of the almighty,join the angels in singing hallelujah. Your name will forever be written in the sands of time. MJ lives on????

  • Indeed, we’re strangers here, MJ!

    Thank you for being a light and bearing love in every corner that you found yourself on this side of eternity.

    I cried on hearing your demise because it hurts to know that you’re no more and all the liveliness you bring is gone, but I’m more consoled knowing that you counted the cost, ran the race, and fought the good fight of faith to live the one thing that matters through Christ.

    It was a pleasure for everyone who knew you to have shared moments with you, from fellowship to parties to business.

    May our hearts find the grace to bear your absence, even as you rest until the resurrection morning where we meet to part no more, dear. ????????????????

  • MJ…!
    After more than 10 years of knowing you; and recently excitedly seeing your dreams gradually coming to pass.
    But this news of your death has left so deep a pain in my heart, I still feel I am dreaming though, but I take comfort knowing that you are in heaven.
    The truth is, I wish you stayed more on earth with us. The genuine care and warmth that depicts your aura is what I will always miss the most.
    Till we meet again at the resurrection morning ????

  • MJ
    Is so hard to write this ????
    Lots of beautiful smiles flashing my memory now. MJ’s warmth hugs whenever i see her in believer’s convention. MJ is genuinely happy for people 2020 was when you introduced some of your friends to Fitfam ???????????? MJ is so sudden ???????????? your soft and sweet voice we forever be missed???? You have fought the fight you have win the race ????????????????

    Rest in peace CEO MJHAMPER

  • MJ could literally do all things at once, she was industrious.
    You keep living in our hearts till we meet again.

  • Mj like we use to call you back then in secondary school … I will miss you ????
    Till we meet to depart no more ….RIP

  • Hey, it’s your “Ondo Princess as you named me while I was preparing to go for service. I will forever miss you, darling!
    I bless God for making our parts crossed because you have awakened in me to the fact that we ought to live every day like it’s our last!

  • You lived, you inspired, you loved, you WON! I will surely see you again because you live on. Goodnight Mojisinuoluwa.

  • MJ is a lover Christ, she is brilliant and easy going. I will never forget the times we spent together in Nifes and the time we spend together after school. I miss you MJ but I know God loves you more till we meet again. Rest in Christ Mojisola .You are loved.

  • Moji is a wonderful person. I remember when we newly joined TGC, she was one of those who warmly welcomed my family, I still viewed recently her birthday wishes and her display of kindness. Her legacy lives on.

  • Mj my best girl in secondary school , I have not been able to come to terms that you are no longer here , I take solace in God who strengthens our hearts , I know you are in a better place , glad we met in the course of your journey of life …rest in power my dear friend and sister

  • Moji, she’s not just a friend; she’s become a sister to me. You can’t help but adore her infectious joy, playful spirit, and unwavering consideration for others. Living with her and a few friends back in Iron Bar, Lekki, was a privilege. I’ll never forget how she’d call me at work, planning our evening meals with such thoughtfulness.

    Even when you tried to annoy her, she’d respond with that ever-present smile, exuding peace like no other. I still recall the early days when she started HampersMJ in Lekki Iron Bar; she truly blossomed from there, showcasing her boundless creativity and industrious nature.

    And her makeup skills? Simply stunning. She had this knack for creating looks that were both elegant and understated, perfectly tailored to complement your skin tone. It’s funny; I catch myself talking about makeup techniques now, all thanks to her influence!

    But beyond all that, Moji had a heart for evangelism. I Remember when we went for evangelism and She prayed for the sick through the gift of word of knowledge. It was exciting.

    There’s so much more I could say about her, but I find comfort in knowing she lived a life of purpose and now rests with Jesus.

  • MJ’s memory is truly blessed !
    I never met her 1-1 but we spoke a couple of times, she came through for my business when my hands were full, she always had encouraging & wise words to share in the community we both belonged too.

    She was indeed a beacon of light & encouragement! Pray strength and peace for her family & friends ????????????

  • It’s really hard to believe that you’re no more but I believe you’re in a better place. Keep resting MJ

  • It’s difficult to accept that you’re no longer with us. This news hit me deeply. I remember visiting Pastor Tayo in 2022, and Moji was there, spending the night. Moji’s presence exuded such warmth and joy. Chatting with her, you couldn’t help but feel uplifted by her contagious joy. She truly was a beautiful soul. Thank you for living a purposeful life. Rest well, MJ! We’ll meet again on the other side of eternity soon.

  • Your memories will forever linger on beautiful soul.
    Your beautiful smile, energy and the love for God’s work drew my attention to you back then in NIFES-AAUA.
    Rest on Mojisinuoluwa, May God forgive you all your sins…
    We will surely meet again ❤️

  • Mojisínuolaòlúwa, my comrade (IYKYK), well done! You kept the faith, you finished your race and you finished well!
    What an intentional and beautiful life you lived – a true member of “chop life in Jesus ministries” through and through. You loved, worked and did everything intentionally, for the audience of One – your Father.

    I cannot pinpoint the first day I met you or how you snuck into my heart and got a permanent spot there, but that is typical you.
    Thank you for everything – for being in my corner, for loving me, for praying for me, for being my sister, and cheering me on.

    I will miss you so so much MJ but oh the reunion on resurrection morning – a proper “Ji Masun!” moment it will be. Till then, sleep well in the bosom of our Father. Sleep well my dear friend❤????

  • Saddening to write this kind of tribute for a baby sister who radiates joy all over… May the Holy Spirit of God console the family left behind…

  • Hmmmmnnn
    It is well with our souls

    Thank you MJ for the life you lived. Thank you for emulating Christ. Thank you for being so selfless and always ready to help. Thank you for being available and truly sharing in people’s joy.
    Indeed heaven gained

    You were so easy to interact with. You had no air about you. Life of the party.
    I will surely miss you here on earth
    But I am comforted that we will see again

    Your life is an inspiration.
    Thank you MJ
    Sleep well sis ❤️

  • The legacy of Moji will endure for eternity!
    Oh, what an exceptional Leader she was!
    She bridged the gap between those in the diaspora and those in Nigeria.
    Moji consistently reached out and dropped prayers.
    Her small gestures reassured me and I believe others as well, that we remained connected to the TGC family, no matter the distance.

    MJ, my love and affection for you will never fade!
    You blessed my life in countless ways, and I am so proud of you!

    Thank you for your devotion to the Lord!
    Thank you for a life lived with purpose!
    Thank you for your sacrifices!
    Thank you for always clarifying the questions or concerns I had.
    Thank you…
    Thank you…

    The memory you lived will not be forgotten…

  • Mayreal says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation. This is a preview; your comment will be visible after it has been approved.
    MJ showed herself to be a very good friend and sister to me. We met at missenterpriseafrica2.0, though we met for a very short time, but that one week was something. We were in the same room and I could remember her words to me each night. Even when I had given up and don’t want to participate in the program again. She shared me up. I even gave excuses so I can quit but she always go the extra mile of solving what the issue is. You’re a rear gem. Rest on MJ
  • Moyosola Praise says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation. This is a preview; your comment will be visible after it has been approved.
    MJ, I come here once in a while and I can’t bring myself to type anything each time. But now, I’m able to. We weren’t close in school but you impacted my life in more ways than I can say, and I’ll never forget your smile each time we exchanged pleasantries. I don’t even know what to say after these months, but let me say thank you for teaching me to carve my brows without having to lose them… Lol. I hope you’re resting well. If there’s a time you ever get to be able to read this, just know this MJ, you lived well… You did live well. We miss you on this side of the shore. Keep resting well MJ.

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Comment 40

  1. Adeola Philllips

    The legacy of Moji will endure for eternity!
    Oh, what an exceptional Leader she was!
    She bridged the gap between those in the diaspora and those in Nigeria.
    Moji consistently reached out and dropped prayers.
    Her small gestures reassured me and I believe others as well, that we remained connected to the TGC family, no matter the distance.

    MJ, my love and affection for you will never fade!
    You blessed my life in countless ways, and I am so proud of you!

    Thank you for your devotion to the Lord!
    Thank you for a life lived with purpose!
    Thank you for your sacrifices!
    Thank you for always clarifying the questions or concerns I had.
    Thank you…
    Thank you…

    The memory you lived will not be forgotten…

  2. Hmmmmnnn
    It is well with our souls

    Thank you MJ for the life you lived. Thank you for emulating Christ. Thank you for being so selfless and always ready to help. Thank you for being available and truly sharing in people’s joy.
    Indeed heaven gained

    You were so easy to interact with. You had no air about you. Life of the party.
    I will surely miss you here on earth
    But I am comforted that we will see again

    Your life is an inspiration.
    Thank you MJ
    Sleep well sis ❤️

  3. Saddening to write this kind of tribute for a baby sister who radiates joy all over… May the Holy Spirit of God console the family left behind…

  4. Mojisínuolaòlúwa, my comrade (IYKYK), well done! You kept the faith, you finished your race and you finished well!
    What an intentional and beautiful life you lived – a true member of “chop life in Jesus ministries” through and through. You loved, worked and did everything intentionally, for the audience of One – your Father.

    I cannot pinpoint the first day I met you or how you snuck into my heart and got a permanent spot there, but that is typical you.
    Thank you for everything – for being in my corner, for loving me, for praying for me, for being my sister, and cheering me on.

    I will miss you so so much MJ but oh the reunion on resurrection morning – a proper “Ji Masun!” moment it will be. Till then, sleep well in the bosom of our Father. Sleep well my dear friend❤????

  5. Your memories will forever linger on beautiful soul.
    Your beautiful smile, energy and the love for God’s work drew my attention to you back then in NIFES-AAUA.
    Rest on Mojisinuoluwa, May God forgive you all your sins…
    We will surely meet again ❤️

  6. It’s difficult to accept that you’re no longer with us. This news hit me deeply. I remember visiting Pastor Tayo in 2022, and Moji was there, spending the night. Moji’s presence exuded such warmth and joy. Chatting with her, you couldn’t help but feel uplifted by her contagious joy. She truly was a beautiful soul. Thank you for living a purposeful life. Rest well, MJ! We’ll meet again on the other side of eternity soon.

  7. It’s really hard to believe that you’re no more but I believe you’re in a better place. Keep resting MJ

  8. MJ’s memory is truly blessed !
    I never met her 1-1 but we spoke a couple of times, she came through for my business when my hands were full, she always had encouraging & wise words to share in the community we both belonged too.

    She was indeed a beacon of light & encouragement! Pray strength and peace for her family & friends ????????????

  9. MJ!!! I only met you once and I loved you.. all I can say is it well

  10. Moji, she’s not just a friend; she’s become a sister to me. You can’t help but adore her infectious joy, playful spirit, and unwavering consideration for others. Living with her and a few friends back in Iron Bar, Lekki, was a privilege. I’ll never forget how she’d call me at work, planning our evening meals with such thoughtfulness.

    Even when you tried to annoy her, she’d respond with that ever-present smile, exuding peace like no other. I still recall the early days when she started HampersMJ in Lekki Iron Bar; she truly blossomed from there, showcasing her boundless creativity and industrious nature.

    And her makeup skills? Simply stunning. She had this knack for creating looks that were both elegant and understated, perfectly tailored to complement your skin tone. It’s funny; I catch myself talking about makeup techniques now, all thanks to her influence!

    But beyond all that, Moji had a heart for evangelism. I Remember when we went for evangelism and She prayed for the sick through the gift of word of knowledge. It was exciting.

    There’s so much more I could say about her, but I find comfort in knowing she lived a life of purpose and now rests with Jesus.

  11. Mj my best girl in secondary school , I have not been able to come to terms that you are no longer here , I take solace in God who strengthens our hearts , I know you are in a better place , glad we met in the course of your journey of life …rest in power my dear friend and sister

  12. Moji is a wonderful person. I remember when we newly joined TGC, she was one of those who warmly welcomed my family, I still viewed recently her birthday wishes and her display of kindness. Her legacy lives on.

  13. MJ is a lover Christ, she is brilliant and easy going. I will never forget the times we spent together in Nifes and the time we spend together after school. I miss you MJ but I know God loves you more till we meet again. Rest in Christ Mojisola .You are loved.

  14. You lived, you inspired, you loved, you WON! I will surely see you again because you live on. Goodnight Mojisinuoluwa.

  15. Hey, it’s your “Ondo Princess as you named me while I was preparing to go for service. I will forever miss you, darling!
    I bless God for making our parts crossed because you have awakened in me to the fact that we ought to live every day like it’s our last!

  16. Mj like we use to call you back then in secondary school … I will miss you ????
    Till we meet to depart no more ….RIP

  17. MJ could literally do all things at once, she was industrious.
    You keep living in our hearts till we meet again.

  18. Blessing Akinyosoye

    Is so hard to write this ????
    Lots of beautiful smiles flashing my memory now. MJ’s warmth hugs whenever i see her in believer’s convention. MJ is genuinely happy for people 2020 was when you introduced some of your friends to Fitfam ???????????? MJ is so sudden ???????????? your soft and sweet voice we forever be missed???? You have fought the fight you have win the race ????????????????

    Rest in peace CEO MJHAMPER

  19. Justice Tochi Agoha

    After more than 10 years of knowing you; and recently excitedly seeing your dreams gradually coming to pass.
    But this news of your death has left so deep a pain in my heart, I still feel I am dreaming though, but I take comfort knowing that you are in heaven.
    The truth is, I wish you stayed more on earth with us. The genuine care and warmth that depicts your aura is what I will always miss the most.
    Till we meet again at the resurrection morning ????

  20. Indeed, we’re strangers here, MJ!

    Thank you for being a light and bearing love in every corner that you found yourself on this side of eternity.

    I cried on hearing your demise because it hurts to know that you’re no more and all the liveliness you bring is gone, but I’m more consoled knowing that you counted the cost, ran the race, and fought the good fight of faith to live the one thing that matters through Christ.

    It was a pleasure for everyone who knew you to have shared moments with you, from fellowship to parties to business.

    May our hearts find the grace to bear your absence, even as you rest until the resurrection morning where we meet to part no more, dear. ????????????????

  21. Meeting you was destiny, We met at missenterpriseafrica, you were my buddy,roommate and HOH. You were an amazing, beautiful,loving,prayerful and caring soul. We would gist,share life experiences,laugh before bed. You even made me promise I would invite you to my wedding???????? When you were asked to mimick someone in the house,I was the one you mimicked ????. The little time I spent with you was as if I had known you for years.
    Keep resting in the bossom of the almighty,join the angels in singing hallelujah. Your name will forever be written in the sands of time. MJ lives on????

  22. Mobisola Regina Akinlosotu

    Oremi MJ,

    Everything still feels like a dream to me, but one thing that makes me happy is knowing you are with our Father and resting well, free from the troubles of this world.

    My dear MJ, I remember how our journey began in our 200-level in the Philosophy department, how you intervened when they wanted to harm me. Since then, reading has become my pleasure.

    Remember how we used to go to prayer meetings, even though I didn’t know what or how to pray? You baptized me in the Holy Ghost. We started praying in the Holy Ghost together, and then we began studying the scriptures and fighting for what we believed in, though it wasn’t easy.

    What about sharing our experiences about our past, families, and friends? Remember our nights spent in the library until daybreak? They even recognized us at AAUA library that year.

    How about sharing our plans when we didn’t know what the future held for us? I can’t forget the Festival of Life either.

    But what I can’t forget most is your love for God. It always blew my mind how we planned together to stay at Reven Kay’s house in Gbagada, even though it didn’t work out. I later returned to Ondo town and worshipped at my local church (Rev. Busuyi Olalode).

    Remember you used to follow up with me, encouraging me not to be a forgetful hearer but to continue pursuing God and always give my best to Him?

    You were the first person to always call me on my birthday. In one of your messages to me, you said you loved my sincerity whenever I spoke because I always poured my heart out to you.

    My beloved, there’s so much to say about you. What about my wedding plans? You promised during my undergraduate days that you would make it happen for me, and you fulfilled it.

    We slept and prayed together that day. Even after my wedding, you kept checking on me, encouraging me, and praying for me.

    Remember when I was pregnant? You still checked on me even after I gave birth.

    Even when I left Nigeria and moved to other country, you still checked on me.

    It’s well, my dear sister and friend. Until the resurrection morning, I will continue to learn about God and improve my relationship with Him.

    MJ, I know you are in the best place where there is no mourning, no competition, no rivalry.

    1 Corinthians 15:55 says, ‘O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?

    1 Corinthians 15:56 continues, The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.’ Verse 57 goes on to say, But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

    And finally, 1 Corinthians 15:58 encourages us, Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, for as much as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.

  23. Folashade Oguntoyinbo

    I’m yet to come to terms with your death. I keep hoping it’s all a dream, and I need to wake up from it.

    Aburo mi, Oremi…Moji your heart was pure and genuine towards everyone. I’m rest assured you are with our Father and cheering us on. You really fought a good fight of faith, and you left indelible marks in our hearts. Your brilliance and sweet nature was excellent. Thank you for the love you showed in words and in deeds to us all.
    You truly reflected the ways of the Father through your words and gift trademark.
    We will meet again, Mojisinuoluwami.
    Keep resting in the arms of our Lord.
    I love you till eternity.

  24. Your death has made me numb for days, every one of my interactions with you leaves me with a lesson.
    You lived a selfless and full life, without offense. You have run your race and have finished your course.
    Rest on Mojisinuoluwa

  25. MJ it hurts sooooo much. All I can say is rest you’ll rise again (John 5: 28-29, Acts 24:15) to never see the last enemy death again ( Isaiah 25;8, 1 Corinthians 15:26)

    I love you till we met to part no more…rest my dear friend.

  26. MJ was cool on this side of the shore. We were not super close in school, but she always had a smile and a greeting for me. I remember when i remember when i needed a place to stay for a while, I reached out to her and without fear or second thoughts, she opened her house to me…(I mean, who does that for an acquintance).
    It was MJ that invited to minister to her unit members in NIFES. She said, the Lord laid you in my heart for our retreat, I don’t know what you are going to teach, but I am very sure its you the Lord wants to come.,,
    MJ loved the body. All you had to be is a believer and you have a space in her heart.
    With this two encounters, i can boldly say she did good to all men, especially those that belonged to the household of faith.
    MJ, i was hurt by your death, i was scared too- I was angry. I could not even say your memory was blessed, because how could i think of you as a memory, I had just two that stood out.
    I grieved, and even mourned for you as though without hope.
    I had questions…It just didn’t make sense!…Until! The Lord helped my heart.
    MJ, if there is a department in heaven that lets you read this, know that i found comfort, and that i am still hurt, but not so angry. I am mourning, but i am hopeful now.
    I can now say “even so, God is faithful.!”
    Dear MJ, rest.
    You lived well…Now live well.

  27. MJ. You were an easy going and friendly soul. Your smile,maturity and joviality was second to none. Keep resting in the bosom of our lord,You will be greatly missed.

  28. Dear MJ, I am grateful for the gift of you while you are here with us, it sadden my heart that you are no more. Till we meet to part no more. Rest in Peace

  29. Gone but not forgotten. Your beautiful memory lives on. Yours was an exemplary life and an encouragement to many. Our sovereign God knows best.

  30. It is well… May your soul rest in perfect peace ore…

  31. Hi beautiful soul,
    Thank you for being such a bright light during your time with us.
    I Love you dearly and will miss you????

  32. Mojisola you lived a wonderful life and I am rest assured that you’re not just away from this planet earth but you’ve gone to live the momentous life with the saints and with will be greatly missed. your contagious smile and big heart, your brilliancy and sense of humor,your zeal towards God’s work and your love to humanity,sincerely we lost a rare gem ,Mojisola till we meet to part no more,,,keep resting MJ

  33. I miss u so much????????????????

  34. MJ well thank you for the expression of love during the short time, you were the very first to welcome me at Enterprise Africa you introduced yourself and welcome me to the house you were always shouting out Oremi, this year you said let’s do more together this is February God loves you best MJ, an Entrepreneur per excellence always on the positive side thriving MJ keep resting I love you . Your legacy lives on.

  35. It’s such a painful loss to have to give up on you, Moji especially judging from the many testimonies of the relationship you had with the people you encountered. God knows! Rest on in the Lord dear sister. It is well.

  36. MJ is one of the most creative people I have ever met. Her brilliance not only shone in her work but also reflected her deep connection with God, and she shared that part with everyone she came in contact with. MJ, you will be greatly missed, but we find comfort in the belief that you now rest in God’s splendor and majesty. Rest peacefully, Soldier; we love you.

  37. Oh you lived! You served! You lived your life for Christ and served him wholeheartedly. You would forever be remembered for your big smiles and sweet heart. We take solace in the life of God that you lived. Rest in peace Mojisola, rest in peace!

  38. Moji meant everything to me. I believe she is in heaven. I will see her again.

  39. It feels like my heart is about to burst!

    My friend, I have no doubt that you are with Jesus.

    You live forever in my heart and your memory is ever blessed.????

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